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Shared Earth - Fair Trade, Eco-friendly Recycled & Ethical Products
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Bags & Planters from Recycled Cement Bags

These bags and planters are made from recycled bags, a great way of reusing materials that would otherwise go to landfill. The result is strong, durable and long-lasting products.

Plastic gunny (e.g. cement) bags are collected, washed, and then melted to make plastic granules. These recycled plastic granules are mixed with colour & put in a hopper & then melted in an electric furnace and thin monofilament wires are drawn and cooled over a waterbed to form the recycled plastic threads. These threads are put on warping beams. The beams are loaded onto semi power looms & woven into fabric.

Recycled woven fabric; 100% recycled & 100% recyclable