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Fair Trade, Eco and Ethical


Aspiration, India

Aspiration are based in Delhi, India and are a fairly small Fair Trading organisation in comparison to others in India. Aspiration believe in sincere work for the welfare of artisans and families which are located all over India including Jaipur and Sarangapur by promoting and developing cottage industries, improving economic and social welfare and proving fair wages.

Aspiration organise groups of semi skilled and skilled artisans and help bring them up from poverty to being able to stand on their own. Some groups have even become self-independent artisans in their own community.

One of Aspiration’s aims is also to revive the old crafts of India. Aspiration is also involved in helping to provide financial assistance to all artisans they deal with, to provide new designs and patterns for overseas market and developing overseas market for cottage industry products.

Most of their artisans prefer to work in groups consisting of their family members in order to maintain quality and workmanship. Aspiration also stress the importance of tree plantation and ask the producer groups to adopt at least two trees a year and look after their growth like their children in order to maintain a balance between the growths and needs.

Since the start of Aspiration, the groups organised by the founders have become self-independent. Many artisans who were working ten or fifteen years ago as daily workers for big manufacturers have now become self-respected artisans in their community.

Aspiration provide Shared Earth with an important range of jewellery and homeware items like wallhangings made with recycled saris.

WFTO’s auditor carried out a full audit of Aspiration, against the 10 Fair Trade Principles, in April 2022. Aspiration became a member of WFTO in 2023.